Icon 15 (Internet)
At this point in our pack, I am sorely hurting for the the
Internet icon. This icon is always a pain for me, simply because I am
sick of making globes, and every other idea I have had has not looked so
good. However, after doing the the My Computer icon, and putting the
bitmap image on it that I did, it made me think of doing a realistic
globe, and this made me realize that I have not seen a "real" globe in
quite some time. So I ran with that.
Step 1:
In many ways this is going to be a pretty simple icon, we have to do
some tricks to make it look better than just a picture.
So the first thing I do is get a public domain picture of the earth. And
using the Power Clip tool I place it inside a Circle.
![](https://www.joeuser.com/sdfiles/mormegil/15-Internet(01).jpg) |
Step 2:
Quickly I put a white Circle on top of our globe, and fade it out with
the Interactive Transparency Tool.
Also, I add an overlaying black circle over the globe, and Fade it out
to make it look, like the bottom of the globe is darkened.
![](https://www.joeuser.com/sdfiles/mormegil/15-Internet(02).jpg) |
Step 3:
Now using the techniques we have used in our previous icons, I create a
shadow, and reflection.
Also, Copy our globe, convert it to a bitmap. And flip it. Then I fade
so only the edge is visible. This is so I can make the right side of the
globe is lit.
![](https://www.joeuser.com/sdfiles/mormegil/15-Internet(03).jpg) |
Step 4:
Now using the mesh fill tool I draw in graphics to make a Cord to attach
to the Globe.
It took me a bit to get the Cords to look good. Lets just say, play with
the mesh as long as it takes.
![](https://www.joeuser.com/sdfiles/mormegil/15-Internet(04).jpg) |
Step 5
Now I draw in one more shape, for my plug socket. I give it some details
with the mesh tool. Also I add some red to the end of our cord, to blend
it into the hole in the socket.
![](https://www.joeuser.com/sdfiles/mormegil/15-Internet(05).jpg) |
Finished Icon Image.
![](https://www.joeuser.com/sdfiles/mormegil/15-Internet(06).jpg) |
Click here to download the finished icon.
You can see I did a lot of tweaking in the cord. I also
pulled a shadow off the cord. Over all I think this turned out pretty
good. We will be using this Image a lot in the rest of the pack. Tune in
tomorrow when we start reusing the Internet icon to make the HTML file
icon, and check out the next issue of "CorelDraw for Skinners."
Read the other Icon-A-Day Articles:
Icon # 1,
Icon # 2,
Icon #3,
Icon # 4,
Icon #5,
Icon # 6,
Icon # 7,
Icon # 8,
Icon # 9,
Icon #10,
Icon # 11.
Icon 12 & 13,
Icon # 14.
CorelDRAW for Skinners videos:
Mesh Fill 101,
Gloss 101.
And don't forget to check for all the Icon-A-Day icons as they get made,
in the Miscellaneous
Icons Gallery at Wincustomize.com |