Musings on, Art, Skinning, Computers, and the True meaning of Life. (AKA The Lego Theory)
Once more we find new homes for the icons we have done already.
Published on January 25, 2005 By mormegil In Icons
A Icon a day Keeps the Creative
Icon 19 (My Network)

    Now we move on to our My Network icon. I would like to think of some really cleaver convention for this, but I have not had any luck so far. What I, and most other icon makers seam to do, is a computer with a globe or two computers together. Since we have a neat looking globe I figured we go with it one more time.
Step 1:

We will get started by copying our My Computer icon, and shrinking it down about 80%.

Step 2:

Now we Copy our Internet icon over, and shrink it down and place to the lower right of our guide box. I also delete the cord and  its shadow.

Step 3:

Now I make a new cord, leaving our plug on the globe and running off behind the Computer. I do this with the Mesh Fill tool.

Step 4:

I pull a shadow off the new cord, and break it apart. Then I crop it down to make sure it looks right, using the Node Edit tool.

Finished Icon Image.

Click here to download the finished icon.


This is an important icon, though it was pretty simple to make. Tomorrow we will move on to the Web folder.

Read the other Icon-A-Day Articles: Icon # 1, Icon # 2, Icon #3, Icon # 4, Icon #5, Icon # 6, Icon # 7, Icon # 8, Icon # 9, Icon #10, Icon # 11. Icon 12 & 13, Icon # 14, Icon # 15, Icon # 16, Icon #17, Icon #18.

CorelDRAW for Skinners.
Part 1: Mesh Tool 101 & Gloss 101.
Part 2: Drop Shadows 101 & Reflections 101

And don't forget to check for all the Icon-A-Day icons as they get made, in the Miscellaneous Icons Gallery at

on Jan 25, 2005
Thanks, Teach.

BTW - Check icon DL link.
on Jan 27, 2005