Musings on, Art, Skinning, Computers, and the True meaning of Life. (AKA The Lego Theory)
Moving into the less well known folder Icons.
Published on February 1, 2005 By mormegil In Icons
A Icon a day Keeps the Creative
Icon 26 (Fonts Folder)

    Icon Packager supports the changing of a lot of the system folders, some of which the average user probably does not ever see, however if I don't do all the supported icons in a pack I feel like I'm cheating. (And you know I will get an email from someone asking why I didn't complete the pack). So over the next few days we will polish off some of the more obscure folders. Today's is one that is seen more often than others: the Fonts Folder.
Step 1:

First thing first, we copy our Open Folder icon.
Step 2:

I want to have a big T leaning on our folder so I type in a "T", find a font I like, and use the Perspective tool to slant it back a bit.

Step 3:

Now I do two Contours to do a "poor mans bevel" See the Contour Video for more on this technique.

Step 4:

I use a few Gradient Fills to fill in our Big "T".

Step 5:

Because the T is pretty big, and just to be polished, I go in with the Node Edit tool and move a few nodes around in the back contour to make it look a bit more like an extrusion.

Step 6:

Using our Gloss, Shadow and Reflection techniques I "pretty up" the "T" so it matches our other folders.

Step 7:

 Now I want a Font File in our folder, so I copy the Text File, and using the Text Tool, make a "Font" File. (I may use this later to make the *.ttf file type icon). I use the Perspective tool to place the file inside the folder.

Step 8:

I decide that I don't like the way the Red and Teal look together so I go back in and change the colors on the file to red to match our big T.

Finished Icon Image

Click here to download the finished icon.

Now as a former sign designer fonts are important to me and I see this folder a lot, but some of you may never look at it again. Those of you who do will have something that fits in the theme and does not hurt your eyes. See you tomorrow.

Read the other Icon-A-Day Articles: Icon # 1, Icon # 2, Icon #3, Icon # 4, Icon #5, Icon # 6, Icon # 7, Icon # 8, Icon # 9, Icon #10, Icon # 11. Icon 12 & 13, Icon # 14, Icon # 15, Icon # 16, Icon #17, Icon #18, Icon # 19, Icon #20, Icon # 21, Icon # 22. Icon #22, Icon # 23, Icon # 24. Icon #25.

CorelDRAW for Skinners.
Part 1: Mesh Tool 101 & Gloss 101
Part 2: Drop Shadows 101 & Reflections 101
Part 3: Part 3: Exporting 101, Contour & Line 101

And don't forget to check for all the Icon-A-Day icons as they get made, in the Miscellaneous Icons Gallery at

on Feb 01, 2005
You really tied it together with the video techniques and the tutorial today, Paul.

I definitely feels like a true class.

Thanks so much, and looking forward to home study, the rest of the series, and of course any packages made for sale in the future.
on Feb 02, 2005

File reflection still green?
on Feb 02, 2005
I was wondering if anyone would catch that. Consider it a easter egg.
on Feb 02, 2005
on Feb 02, 2005
When you will put all of them together. I can't hold anymore. Please.
on Feb 02, 2005
I have been adding each icon to my system as you make it. I really need the my documents folder and the trash can to complete the desktop...any chance those are coming soon?

on Feb 02, 2005
I should have the My Documents folder soon, but I might save the Trash for near the end.
on Feb 02, 2005
By the way, do you plan to make icons for some popular programs?
on Feb 02, 2005
Would you consider including your texture technique w/ Interactive Transparency Tool in one of the videos?
BTW, thanks for everything.
on Feb 02, 2005
hey Guys..
how can I make an Icon Package...
plz help!
on Feb 02, 2005
Hi, Paul!
First of all i want to thank You for the greate job u doing. Your articles are very helpful to me in my learning of icon and graphics creation in Corel Draw. I watched Your videos, and I have a quick question to You: all of the default pallettes included in Corel Draw have somne dull uninteresting colors, but yours, in the movies, have much more bright colors,
can u please let me know how do u make that custom pallete. For example: in MIDI icon tutorial u using that bright green color to make a highlight, but i cant find it on the default pallettes.
Thank You, Alex.
on Feb 03, 2005

Joker, the first thing to do when skinning in CorelDRAW is to go to the tools\Color Management diologe and Turn off the The Color Management. You will get much more Brillant colors.

on Feb 03, 2005
Thank You very much Paul