Now we take our group that we just made and slant it back with the Perspective tool.
Now with two mesh fills and a bit of gloss, I draw over our boxes to make a handle for the glass.
Step 5:
Now I use standard Gradients to make the upper part of the glass look like metal.
Now we give the glass some glare.
Step 8:
Now using our standard reflection techniques we give the icon a reflection,
I think that wraps up our Start Menu icons. This is also a good element that we may find more use for later. See you all tomorrow.Read the other Icon-A-Day Articles: (Icon-A-Day Index)Check out the CorelDRAW for Skinner Index, for links to all the related Video Tutorials.And don't forget to check for all the Icon-A-Day icons as they get made, in the Miscellaneous Icons Gallery at Wincustomize.comAll Images and Text in this tutorial are © Paul Boyer, and may not be reused without written permission.