Musings on, Art, Skinning, Computers, and the True meaning of Life. (AKA The Lego Theory)
Tempo: 5mi - 2.5mi @ 7:47 / .5 @ 7:30 (Planned: 5mi - 3mi @ 7:47)
Published on November 16, 2006 By mormegil In Sports & Leisure
LA Marathon training program: Week 1

Thursday November 16th, 2006

Tempo: 5mi - 2.5mi @ 7:47 / .5 @ 7:30  (Planned: 5mi - 3mi @ 7:47)
Weight: 186 Time: 2:30pm Temp: 72f Weather: Raining Route: Treadmill

   This was the fastest Tempo run I have done to date, in fact this tempo run was faster then I was able to do a 5k 3 months ago. I managed it fine, though it did seam hard, but that is the point of a tempo run. It was "comfortably difficult".

   I ran inside today on the treadmill, which I hate, but It was raining pretty hard, and I like doing tempos on the treadmill anyway, because I can have very precise Pace Readings.

  Did Warm 1mi @ 12:00, Tempo 2.5 miles @ 7:47, then kicked it up a bit to 7:30 for the last 800m. Then I cooled down @11:00 for 1 mile.

  Knee gave me a bit of trouble, nothing major, but i think I am going to start wearing my leg brace again the tendon band dose not seam to cut it.

View my full 16 Week training program.

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