Musings on, Art, Skinning, Computers, and the True meaning of Life. (AKA The Lego Theory)
5K Race: 3.24mi @ 6:58 (3.1mi @ 7:00) 23:35
Published on November 24, 2006 By mormegil In Sports & Leisure
LA Marathon training program: Week 2

Friday November 24th, 2006

5K Race: 3.24mi @ 6:58   (3.1
mi @ 7:00)
Weight: 188 Time: 6:00pm Temp: 42f Weather: Clear Route: Howell Parade route.

   This was the last planned race until the marathon, planned but I might do a few more 5k's before march. I was a bit disappointed in my time, I was expecting to come in a bit under 22minutes. My finish time was 22:35. (This was a new personal best, by 11 seconds, even if the course distance was right)

   The course felt longer then 3.1 so went to and check the distance. The course reads longer. 3.24miles, I don't know if it is correct, but if it is off that much in such a short distance I would be surprised. This would also account for my missing 35 or so seconds. I am not going to count my time any less but It dose make me feel a but better.
   The race its self was pretty neat, Howell's Fantasy lights Christmas Parade was tonight, and the race takes place a hour before. So the entire run is down and back the parade route. With cheering locals the entire way. It did however loop back, twice, witch is not to fun. But over all I very fun. Will do it again next year. Thought I will not count on setting any personal bests.

   One thing of note was that this was one of the hardest runs I have done. Toward the end I really felt it in my chest, which was a new and unwelcome sensation. I am going to pay a bit more attention to my heart rate.

   Knee report, No pain at all, wore brace and band.

   Nike+ ipod lost my run. Very annoyed, this was due to the poorly designed pocket in the Nike+ shirt, which I could not open to end my run. Somehow by the time I got it out the run was deleted.

View my full 16 Week training program.

on Nov 25, 2006
I just read about a piece of software that might interest you.

I obviously can't test it, but if it does what it says, it might save you some headaches. The website is brief in it's description, though.
on Nov 25, 2006
Thanks, I will check it out, I kind of worry about the "resubmit" part. But its worth a try.