Musings on, Art, Skinning, Computers, and the True meaning of Life. (AKA The Lego Theory)
EZ Run: 6.61mi @ 8:24  (6mi @ 9:17)
Published on December 10, 2006 By mormegil In Sports & Leisure
LA Marathon training program: Week 4

Sunday December 10th, 2006

EZ Run: 6.61mi @ 8:24  (6
mi @ 9:17)
Weight: 185.5 Time: 10:00am Temp: 39f Weather: Cold but clear Route: Court House Run

   It was just to nice a day not to run today, However since I ran a bit to hard over this, my recovery week, I decided to take it easy and just wing it.

  I have now learned not to just wing it. I apparently have no idea what pace I am running. I was pretty sure that I was a bit over my pace but I had no Idea it was by almost a minute. I felt a but winded afterward but Did not have any problem with cooling down or recovery so I guess I will live. Well next week my EZ pace speeds up, this week has made me pretty confident that I am ready for it. But I have to admit I am a bit concerned about my 16mile run on Sunday.

View my full 16 Week training program.

on Sep 30, 2009

I like this post.........Something also to look: After areobic state your metastasis is enlarged exclusive for active 30-40 transactions. If you coefficient condition any one atlantic of your embody to yob loser your metabolism is exaggerated for 6-8 hours. So weight activity is historical smashing for anyone watching their fasting.


Weight Training