Musings on, Art, Skinning, Computers, and the True meaning of Life. (AKA The Lego Theory)
Tempo Run: 5mi - 3mi @ 7:19 (5.1mi - 3.1mi @ 7:08)
Published on February 10, 2007 By mormegil In Sports & Leisure
LA Marathon training program: Week 13

Friday February 9th, 2007

Tempo Run: 5mi - 3mi @ 7:19  (5.1mi - 3.1mi @ 7:08)
Weight: 189 Time: 7:00pm Temp: 18f Weather: Light Snow Route:  Treadmill

I missed a run this week, but I did not want to skip my speed work, so I moved my tempo to friday night.
  I could not help but push up the pase a bit, since It was so close to the fastest 5k I had ever done, which was at 7:14. So I did about half at 7:19 and pushed it up to 7:03, and then to 6:58. This got me to the time I wanted, of 22:11. This is a testament to the last 13 weeks, this tempo run was faster then the 5k race that I used to derive my training program. I am quite happy with it.

  The nicest thing was that I was not even that wiped out by this run. I even had enough energy to run the last 200m of of my cool down at 6:00. (Discovering in the process that my tread mill dose not go above 10 mph. (6:00). But I don't think that will be a problem for at least a year.

  Sunday is my last scary run, I'm scheduled to do 20mi, but I am going to try and do 24. Less then a month to the marathon. I can now officially say that I have never trained so had for anything. I hope it was worth it.

View my full 16 Week training program.

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