Last week I hit 3000 Miles on my Nike+ iPod. In fact I believe I hit 3000 miles of running about 3 months ago, but I don't have any proof. I started running in April of 2006, around 2 1/2 years ago, and did not get my Nike+ until July. I'm not sure how many miles In that intervening 3 1/2 months, but I guess around 200 miles. On top of that there have been many runs lost due to syncing errors, and user error. The most resent was my 23 mile run last last weekend. Which had it been recorded, would have put me over the 3000 mile line 3 days earlier. There have also been many runs that were the Nike+ recorded excess miles, a mile here and a mile there, I think the miles lost and the miles gained have washed out.
Next stop 4000 miles, If I keep the mileage up that I have been doing, I should be hitting it around next July or August.