Musings on, Art, Skinning, Computers, and the True meaning of Life. (AKA The Lego Theory)
A few more tweeks and we have one more Icon.
Published on January 24, 2005 By mormegil In Icons
A Icon a day Keeps the Creative
Icon 18 (Network Drive - Offline)

    Today's icon is pretty much the same as yesterdays icon but with some tweaks. I almost included it with yesterdays icon, but there is a bit more work to it than I had thought, so I decided it was worthy of its own day.
Step 1:

First thing we do is copy our Network Drive icon from yesterday.

Step 2:

I move the cord out of the way, and Convert the globe to one bitmap. Then I make it slightly Transparent. I will tweak this later.

Step 3:

Now I move my globe out of the way, and with the Mesh tool I add some length to the cord, and bring it around to the back of the drive.

Step 4:

With my Mesh Tool I polish up the cord and pull a drop shadow off of it. I want the cord to look like it is missing the globe.

Step 5

I Crop and Fade the shadow and cord so they do not run out of our guide box. I move our globe back in position and adjust the Transparency until I can see the cord through it. I bring back our plug from the other icon and make its center blue instead of red.

Finished Icon Image.

Click here to download the finished icon.


That finishes up the Default Hard Drive icons in our pack. We still might do some more as bonus icons, but that will be later.
Tomorrow the My Network icon.

Read the other Icon-A-Day Articles: Icon # 1, Icon # 2, Icon #3, Icon # 4, Icon #5, Icon # 6, Icon # 7, Icon # 8, Icon # 9, Icon #10, Icon # 11. Icon 12 & 13, Icon # 14, Icon # 15, Icon # 16, Icon #17.

CorelDRAW for Skinners
Part 1: Mesh Tool 101 & Gloss 101.
Part 2: Drop Shadows 101 & Reflections 101

And don't forget to check for all the Icon-A-Day icons as they get made, in the Miscellaneous Icons Gallery at

on Jan 24, 2005
Love the transparency on the globe with cord showing through, Paul.

Thank you very much.
on Jan 25, 2005