Musings on, Art, Skinning, Computers, and the True meaning of Life. (AKA The Lego Theory)
Sick and tired of Globes.
Published on January 28, 2005 By mormegil In Icons
A Icon a day Keeps the Creative
Icon 22 (Sharing Overlay)

    We have had enough of globes for awhile, but we have a lot of non-glamorous icons to create if we are planning on completing a full icon pack. One of the icons that always seems to be a problem is the Sharing Overlay. The thing you have to keep in mind with this one is where it is going to be used. We have established a convention with this pack of using cables to represent network connections, so I am going to go with that for our Overlay, something similar to what we have used in the Network Computer icon.
Step 1:

First thing I do is mock up the general shape of our overlay. I place it on top the existing folder icon, to make sure it fits.
Step 2:

Now since what is shared the most are folders and drives, I make sure it looks ok overlaying the Hard Drive icon as well.

Step 3:

Now I copy over the Network Computer Cable just to use as a guideline for our new cable.
I use the Mesh Tool and a Rectangle to start molding our new cable.
Step 4:

To save a bit of work I copy the join I used in the Network Computer Cable and tweak its size, making it useful for our new cable.
Then I create another cable with the mesh tool.

Step 5:

Now using some circles and Radial fills I make my "Plug" that will connect to the icon that we are overlaying.

Step 6:

Now I pull a shadow off our cord, and using the Interactive Transparency tool I fade out the edges of the cables and shadows.
Step 7:

Last step is to place these overlays over the folder and drive icons to see how they look.

Finished Icon Image

Click here to download the finished icon.


Tomorrow I will try and do something a bit more exiting. Also check in for the next installment of CorelDRAW for skinners.

Read the other Icon-A-Day Articles: Icon # 1, Icon # 2, Icon #3, Icon # 4, Icon #5, Icon # 6, Icon # 7, Icon # 8, Icon # 9, Icon #10, Icon # 11. Icon 12 & 13, Icon # 14, Icon # 15, Icon # 16, Icon #17, Icon #18, Icon # 19, Icon #20, Icon # 21.

CorelDRAW for Skinners.
Part 1: Mesh Tool 101 & Gloss 101
Part 2: Drop Shadows 101 & Reflections 101

And don't forget to check for all the Icon-A-Day icons as they get made, in the Miscellaneous Icons Gallery at

on Jan 28, 2005
Wow, gotta practice sculpting - for a looooooooongg time.

You have given me at least 2 months of home work already, keep it coming, Teach.

Thanks, Paul.
on Jan 29, 2005