Icon 32 (Folder Options)
I wanted to do something simple today so I could have time
for the making this weeks issue of CorelDRAW for skinners, so I thought
it would be nice to do the Folder Options folder. This is a new icon in
the supported folders of IconPackager, and one that you will see if you
look for it in the Control Panel. The icon ended up taking a bit more
time than I expected, because I wanted to do something kind of neat.
(And because I was watching bad movies while I did it). So off we go.
Step 1:
Once more we will start with the Admin Folder, removing the people
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Step 2:
My idea for this icon is to do a check box overlaying a "System Folder"
But I want the check to be cool so I am going to place it on a piece of
glass. So we start by drawing a check, and placing it on top of a few
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Step 3:
Now I group those together and slant it back with the Perspective tool.
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Step 4:
Now fill the back shape, with white, and using the Interactive
Transparency tool I give it a gradient transparency. I copy the back
shape twice, then offset the two copies and trim them down. This gives
us the illusion of depth to our glass.
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Step 5:
Now I fill the check with a Contour and Gradient, Much like in the last
two icons, but without the glare. Then I pull a simple drop shadow of
the check. I trim the shadow down a bit with the node edit tool, to make
it look like it is only dropping on the glass.
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Step 5:
Using the
Reflection techniques on our check box we make a nice reflection.
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Step 5:
Using the
Shadow Techniques I make a pretty elaborate shadow to place behind
our checkbox. It is subtle in the finial image but it is the polish we
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Finished Icon Image
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Click here to download the finished icon. |
One more folder down. I'm off to do CorelDRAW for
skinners #4. Check back in tomorrow for more.
Read the other Icon-A-Day Articles:
Icon # 1,
Icon # 2,
Icon #3,
Icon # 4,
Icon #5,
Icon # 6,
Icon # 7,
Icon # 8,
Icon # 9,
Icon #10,
Icon # 11.
Icon 12 & 13,
Icon # 14,
Icon # 15,
Icon # 16,
Icon #17,
Icon #18,
Icon # 19,
Icon #20,
Icon # 21,
Icon # 22.
Icon # 23,
Icon # 24.
Icon #25,
Icon # 26,
Icon # 26,
Icon # 27,
Icon # 28, 29 & 30,
Icon # 31.
CorelDRAW for Skinners.
Part 1: Mesh Tool 101 & Gloss 101
Part 2: Drop Shadows 101 & Reflections 101
Part 3: Part 3: Exporting 101, Contour &
Line 101
And don't forget to check for all the Icon-A-Day icons as they get made,
in the Miscellaneous
Icons Gallery at Wincustomize.com |