While I was doing the Icon-A-Day Icons I realized how many Icons had been added to IconPackager over the last few years. Every once and a while I see screenshots of people using my FauxS-XP Icons or the LaST Icons. It has been some time for me since I have looked at them our updated them. I am wondering if it would be worth my while to do so.
I have 4 colors of LaST Icons, that I could finish up and post. I would have to create something like 15 new Icons to make them IP 3 Complete.
Also The FauxS-X Icons are getting a bit dated. But with a bit of work I could go through and update them to include all the IP 3 Icons, as well as make sure they all have 128x128 version.
I don't want people to think I am just trying to get more downloads, or trying to avoid doing anything new. The Icon-A-Day Pack is just freshly posted and It will be about a month more before I can post the Atlas Suite. So this came to mind.
More or less I am asking to see if the demand is there, and if so witch packs would be most requested for a update? Let me know what you think?