Musings on, Art, Skinning, Computers, and the True meaning of Life. (AKA The Lego Theory)
mormegil's Articles In GalCiv Journals
February 4, 2005 by mormegil
Designing the Galactic Civilizat Designing the Galactic Civilizations 2 User Interface. Part 1:   I have been wanting to do a weekly blog on the progress of the Galactic Civilizations 2 user interface. Unfortunately I seem to have missed the first 12 weeks of it, so I will have to go back and cover some of the milestones of its design as time allows. One thing that is going to make things nice in Galactic Civilizations 2 is that the game...
February 25, 2005 by mormegil
Designing the Galactic Civilizations 2 User Interface, Part 3: Getting ready for the Beta.      This week we made a few new screens and some major tweaks to several of the existing ones. One of the coolest new features in GalCiv 2 is going to be ship design. At first we were going to have ship building and ship designing done in one screen. After a little play testing it became obvious that we were going to have to break them in two separate screens.  ...
April 15, 2008 by mormegil
Part 1, Lessons learned. Around three years ago I was just getting my feet wet in the world of 3D modeling; we were working our buts off building the new 3D engine that became Galactic Civilization II, and I hoping to get in on making the ships. However as the newest artist on the team, I was mostly playing catch-up, I spent the bulk of my time on the UI, and stole a little time here and there to learn basic box modeling and texturing.   The team was only 6 of us, 2 Co...
June 14, 2005 by mormegil
Designing the Galactic Civilizations 2 User Interface, Part 4: Beta 2. Major Screen Changes.   I have not been keeping up with The UI design journals, mostly because I have been very busy doing screens, and because I have been doing some major changes - not all of them will be apparent to the testers - and some will not be even be implemented in Beta 2. But there has been allot of cool stuff done over the last few months. I will try and sum up some of the UI highlights. ...
February 21, 2005 by mormegil
Designing the Galactic Civilizat Designing the Galactic Civilizations 2 User Interface. Part 2: The Great Mini Map Controversy of Ought Five.       It seams odd to me that we are nearing our first beta for Galactic Civilizations 2 and I am only now on Part 2 of designing the interface. This is for a few reasons. I have been buried under the task itself, as well as 16 hundred other little projects that I keep trying to find time to ...