Musings on, Art, Skinning, Computers, and the True meaning of Life. (AKA The Lego Theory)
mormegil's Articles In WinCustomize News
February 28, 2002 by mormegil
New limited edition version of Maya is available for free download, with almost all of the functionality still in it. The only difference between this version and the 7,500 dollar version is a ever-present Watermark, a Maya logo in the corner, and the inability to exchange the saved files with the full version. If you want to learn the Top of the line 3D animation program it’s a great opportunity.
September 4, 2002 by mormegil
If you already own Axialis IconWorkshop 5.0 the update is now available for free. GO Get it now, if you don’t an you have any interest in making Icons this is the program for you. Axialis home page
June 22, 2009 by mormegil
Despite the risk to my poor IPhone, I drug it along on the Mayors marathon yesterday so I could record a special thank you to everyone who bought the Marathon icons. With your help, my wife and I were able to raise over $8000 dollars for LLS, If you include all the Team In Training runners who came to Alaska we raised over 1.7 million dollars.  I will be able to continue selling the Marthon Icons for Team in training for at least the ...
December 15, 2003 by mormegil
The second the sires of Tech TV themed wallpapers and Icons, That I did for tech TV is now available. Fans of "The Screen Savers" Will want to check these out. The wall is available in 3 sizes, and the Icons come in all the sizes up to 128x128. So they are ready and waiting for Objectdock. And best thing is there free.
December 6, 2003 by mormegil
As most people who know me, will know that I am a big TechTV Fan. Recently I had the opportunity to be commissioned to do a series of Wallpaper and Icons for them. The first Set, designed to match the new “Call For Help” Logo is available now at  TechTV and “Call For Help” Fans should check them out. They are free. And the Icons even come in Mac and PC format.   
July 15, 2003 by mormegil
If you are a skinner, or a desktop customize, you have most likely used, made, or admired, The legacy of the NeXTstep GUI. NeXT was (Debatably) the e first Beautiful GUI. Steve Jobs and his crew at next were artist to say the least. And on top of that They made a dam stable and powerful OS, that was well before its time. NeXT Never caught on do to the same tragic flaw that has kept Apple in the 1 digit percentage for years. Over specialization, and a closed architecture, though they changed ...